It's been a while since I have written to my unknown audience. The feeling that I don't need to know if and when anyone reads this is a peaceful feeling indeed, and it does give me the sense that the craziness in my head can somehow make sense out in the open. If I could say one thing that has been in the forefront of my thinking and in my prayers, it has to be dreaming.
I don't remember when I first started dreaming. I can; however, remember the years that dreaming was all I had. Some can call it the spirit of fantasy, but I would lye in bed at night often, and decide who and what I was going to be in my dreams that night. Looking back, dreaming like that kept hope alive in those tough times for me. It kept me from becoming a complete lunatic. Trust me, there were many times that I thought I was becoming a lunatic trying to cope with my circumstances.
Fast forward to the past few years, for a while I kept the dreaming down, not that I stopped all together, but I did slow it down. Maybe it was because life had improved so much for me, but whatever the case it did not seem needed as much.
However, in the past few months I have realized something about dreaming. Through messages and dreams of my own I have revisited the subject and the philosophy behind it. Dreaming is one the parts of us that is most like God. It makes us believe in the impossible and think outside of ourselves. Believing in world that could be. It creates a hope in us to believe in a good God, and it reminds us even in the darkest of times that these moments can't and won't last forever. To stop dreaming, we are deciding to cut ourselves off from the creativity and godliness hidden inside of each of us. Not to mention, the amount of prophetic and revelatory dreams people receive almost everyday without even being aware of it.
There are a lot of dream-killers out there. Just waiting to destroy something you hold so fragile in your life. For a while, a dream in our life is like carrying around a piece of glass. We have to be careful how we carry it, who we let see it, and if they will cherish it the way we do. Over time and as we let that dream grow in us, the glass develops strength and resistance. We are no longer as careful with it, because we've seen the dream stand the test of time. There does comes a time when the dream comes alive and no one can kill it or break it any longer. It is no longer a dream now, it has become a belief system. This is the way God designed dreams to work in us. Especially, the ones he has put in us. If our dreams our not shaping the reality around us, we are still be influenced by our circumstances and our failures. The dream that becomes a belief system makes our minds become truly renewed. You can no longer stop the dreams from coming true, because it's deep inside, creating the reasons that they live.
Jesus demonstrated this by the way he lived his life. He dreamed so much of the reality of the cross and the atonement in it, that he lived his life in view of that dream. Hebrews says... "For the joy that was set before him...he endured the cross.." The joy of fulfillment kept Jesus' eyes on the dream and the goal. The dream of redeeming man was not a fragile piece of glass, but a belief system and mindset that had grown deep in the person of Jesus.
So today I challenge my unknown audience, what dream has God given you, what reality shift needs to take place in your life today? Dream! I tell you! Don't fear the process or the journey to seeing that dream come to life.
Dreaming is something that makes us so much like our creator. After all he dreamed us up, and he dreamed up how to redeem the dream and the people he was so crazy about. No devil in hell could stop him from seeing his dream come true. Neither should you.