Saturday, February 25, 2012

Act of Valor

I wanted to write my own movie review about "Act of Valor." Having had many relatives that have served throughout the military forces, and a brother about to enter the Naval Academy, I feel like this movie definitely hit a soft spot on the inside. I found myself fighting back tears more than once in this film, and it moved me greatly. However, I want to address the Christian response from a Christian reviewer that I totally and completely disagree with. When the Passion of the Christ came out, many Christians began to report that it was too graphic and too violent, and that they didn't need to see how much Jesus paid for them, because they already knew it. My personal response, I wanted to then in turn, force them to sit and watch it and keep their eyes open. To me, it was like the Christian community loved the "theory" behind the sacrifice of Jesus, but didn't want to truly understand the price. We've developed this false sense of protection with our children and with our families. Meaning, I am going to protect my family from what I believe is right, because by not allowing them to see the true cruelty of man, I am in some way preparing them to go into the world?? How does this make sense? Now, don't misunderstand me. I am not saying I sit and watch every piece of film that comes out of Hollywood, but to say that a movie like "Act of Valor," is too graphic or violent, and that the total violence behind it doesn't need to be seen? Really?!?!? All I could think as I watched it was the fact that I could have never have done what they did for our country. I sat there talking to God the whole movie, and saying, "Papa, I feel bad because I feel like I don't have the courage to do the things these men did selflessly..." Then Papa answered, "Jared, they can do those things, because I've given them a special grace and courage to do it... I didn't call you to that, and therefore I didn't give you a grace for that...and you feel the difference in grace when you think about it." The reality folks is that man is cruel. Especially, when he is being motivated by the devil himself. Perhaps, we should realize the sacrifice it truly takes to keep this country safe. Putting aside religion for a moment. We have been promised, as citizens in this country, the right to life. However, there are men that believe that they can take that right to live away from us. Jesus' very mandate in John 10:10 was "that you might have life and have it abundantly." When I was growing up my grandmother used to say to me, "God gave man two forces, violence and romance. Violence so we would have the capacity to war against the enemy, and romance so we would have the capacity to love him.." We were created to rise up against injustice, it's programed into our very nature. That is why I become so infuriated with the people in our generation, who would seek to take down our military or would dishonor our men. Who would jeer at them, and write reviews saying that we should know but not see their sacrifice. I believe media is one of the most powerful tools we have on the planet. We can sit comfortably in our chairs, and walk in someone else's shoes (without having to be in danger in anyway), for even a moment, and get a taste of their world. Truly, our response to such should be compassion, respect, and gratitude. It is these men, that make it a reality, that would happened to that one CIA agent (drilling holes in our hands), isn't a regular occurrence in our country. For that I am eternally grateful. God bless our troops and our men in action. You are truly God's angels and armor on the front line for me. Thank you.

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