Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Warm Air is Blowing.....Awaken!

           There is something so REFRESHING about a warm breeze blowing after the snow and the bitter cold. It is as if the earth is breathing-in after a long sleep. In so many ways, natural seasons seem to reflect personal spiritual seasons in our lives. At least this has been the case in my life. In so many ways,  the snow is melting and the warm is blowing through the very core of me. I woke up this morning, just bathing in the beauty of His Love. Such beauty is in his face. It felt like the warm outside was somehow reviving me on the inside. This season has been a battle not only for me, but for my whole family. In a way, I felt like this morning the Lord woke me up promising that, not only was he faithful, but the cold was over in our family, and their was a warm breeze of healing and refreshing blowing through the entirety of my family. I am so full of joy in knowing that His faithfulness is so true.
         Learning to be content where you are, is a lesson that has been ever before my life lately. (I don't know if that statement makes sense, hahaha!) When your at home, living with your parents, and eating their labors and work, life seems so different. Even in a college setting where I am fed 3 meals a day, and surrounded by other lost college kids, it still takes so much of me to be content. Perhaps, because "college" isn't designed to be my life. It's only a phase, and I am beginning to see lights in the distance, and know that in time I will break into the brilliance of sunlight. There in the warmth of the sun, will be the train station. It will be time for me to get off, and drive to my new home.
         No one ever tells you that being a dreamer, or carrying dreams is this heavy....Being the way I am, it's hard to even be around people who don't dream big like me. I think that's one of my most reaccuring pains in life. I am surrounded, so much of the time, by people who sleep, and yet don't dream....I can't do that! I've been a dreamer as long as I can remember. I'll never forget the nights that I couldn't sleep. My soul was soaring with the possibilities of what I could become. I would sneak quitely out the front door, and walk down the street, and talk to God about my dreams. I felt this hugeness on the inside of me. At times, it felt like I was gonna explode if I didn't find some way to let out some pressure. In the darkness of the night, God would ease my hugeness with the hugeness of His own heart of dreams.  In those moments, I felt like He was letting me in on His dreams, and they always seemed to fill up the sky with the colors, and the life in them. Watching the stars, looking so helplessly, to see His face in the sky, I felt so close to His heart. At least, He...understood my need and want to dream, because, he too, was full of exploding dreams.
        It's been years since then, and I still go out into the stars, and share dreams with God. No matter how BIG my dreams seem, His are always bigger. Always.......

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First things First

          So I feel like in this actual "first blog"....I need to air out some dirty laundry. Now, don't panic! You're safe....I'm keeping this clean and respectful...but I want everyone to be fully aware, that I am fully aware that a journey. What journey is that? Well how should I know! In part, that is the very reason I am writing this. I like to write. Not that I have anything profound to say, but I really do enjoy it, and for the most part I seem to make the most sense when I'm writing. Which, in essence, handicaps me, being a highly active talker, to useless words, when I am just speaking and not writing. (Dear Lord, hope I can get that figured out)....What I found most humorous is that in the past, or in the "olden days" people used to have to be published to write, and now you just publish yourself! (I'm not sure that's a good thing or not) I guess that's what freedom is all about in this country! So speaking of the younger years, I use to dream of being a writer. Ones like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, people who seemed to transform the mind of the reader, and leave you staggering away from their writings with a profound sense of need to change! Ahhh I said...those were the "olden days." However, I will admit I have come across a few writers, present day that is, that allude my mind...Bill Johnson. He seems to really enjoy dropping killer one-liners, that leave your mind almost thoughtless....e.i. "The greatest breakthrough comes AFTER you've become UNfamiliar with what you already know..." Ya! Think about that one for a few minutes, if you need a minute to stop reading and digest I understand.
            Saying all that, I think I'll change the pace a little bit. I'll try and be brief, but anyone that knows me, knows that that can be an ever present challenge, but I'll try my best. Let me see, ohh yes...this is the strangest season of my life yet. Things have been so challenging, and I have so many things I am unsure of. For instance, where I am going after I graduate? I know that this is somewhat of a normal question, but I have an added dilemma. I  have a place that I want to go to after graduation, but I have completely different feelings about it. Both from within my family and out. One parent said, "Go for it!" The other said, "I've lost mind!" At the same time, many of those that used to be close to me, and their opinion I valued have suddenly become somewhat invaluable to me. I know that that sounds harsh, and extremely straight forward, but that's how I feel, and if I am being honest, which I aspire to do in these writings, than I just going to say like it is. I mean am I the only person that that's happened to? It's just like a ginormous shift happened, and suddenly it seems pointless to listen to some peoples opinions anymore. When I say some people, I mean people that I acclaim to be extremely wise and learned, and to whom I have great respect and trust. So, in a lot of ways it's strange, the shift. I don't know if I am truly explaining myself, but maybe a few of you guys have experienced this in the past, present, or maybe you're going to see it happen. Maybe I should clarify a few more things. These "people" are NOT just anyone....their great Christians, and it's not that I am rebelling, or disobeying God, it just seems for the first time, I feel God is moving me in a different direction. I also,  understand, that in some instances, they have "been there and done that," but at the same time I feel that I am sailing completely, "unmapped and completely uncharted" waters. Oh I do wish there was someone that I knew that felt the same kinda call I do. It would be so much easier not to feel so alone in this. But, there is one lesson that I cannot seem to learn, and one that I maybe always learning, "trusting Him." Man, when I was younger that seemed to come so much easier to me, even the bigger things that have occurred in my life in the past three years, have seemed somewhat easier. 
           But, I must be honest and admit, that I was the furthest from "trusting Him," earlier this week. In fact, I lost my head in ways I don't think I have ever lost it...and for those that know me,  know that is saying something. When I say that I lost it, I mean that I lost not once, not twice, but several times. How do I explain this better? It seems, even now, writing is inadequate in expressing the things that ran through my head. I feel like the need to "create" is slowing exploding on the inside of me! That might sound a little "crazy," and take full freedom to think that, but I don't know how else to explain that.
           I will admit, that I have always loved to create, but it just seems that now adays everything I write, sing, film, edit, and compose is inadaquite! Nothings to my liking. Sometimes, it seems as if I need the largest studio, the finest equipment, the latest technology, the greatest actors, writers, and composers, to truly create the way I need to.......
        I will leave you with this, because I'm sure you are completely done reading, or have otherwise, already departed from these words....There is only thing that I can aquait these feelings to...the Creator himself, maybe I simply feeling His heart more than I have ever felt it before....I don't know, surely this isn't a human emotion, but an out of this universe type of feeling, more of a "creator to His creation feeling......Thoughts?


Life in Slow Motion

      I won't pretend that I know, even for a moment, how to write. But, I am writing because I feel like it maybe the only way I can put all my thoughts together. So I'm calling this "In Essence," because for the most part...this is "in essence," and it's mostly from a young, 21 year olds, perspective, and therefore is extremely filtered in the thought process. It doesn't matter how many or even if only one person ever reads this, but my one prayer is that that one person is somehow blessed by my honest and simple moments on paper. There are a few things to say about the written word....God's got alot of written words that have changed my life, not that I am in any way comparaing my words to that of His, but maybe in some form I'll reflect some of those truths written on the oldest pages in history. So this is me "In Essence," and so I be continued